Our Programs

The Bridge
Runaway and Homeless Program

Transitional Living Program
Street Outreach

HUD Street Outreach
Maternity Group Home:

YHDP (Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program - HUD)
The Open Arms, Inc. YHDP aims provide supportive services to youth experiencing homelessness, including unaccompanied, pregnant and parenting youth, ages 18-24. This is an outreach program. The services offered by the program include, but are not limited to: assessments; case management; referrals; resources; life skills training; transportation assistance; education services; employment and job training; food; life skills; emergency needs; financial incentives; and, one-time utility deposits. Each youth is served through individualized case plans, with the goal of moving the youth to safe permanent housing.
Emergency Shelter Hotel Voucher Program (DCA)
The Open Arms, Inc. Emergency Shelter Hotel Voucher Program provides immediate shelter for youth, ages 18-24, and their dependent children that are literally homeless (e.g. living on the streets, in cars, places not meant for habitation, etc.). With an average stay of 30 days, clients stay in designated hotels and work with a designated Case Manager to meet their housing goals. During their time, a Housing First approach is used to assist them in removing any barriers that are preventing them from being permanently housed. The goal is that each person is able to secure permanent housing at discharge and do not re-enter homelessness again.