Offering shelter, safety,
support, and love to the
children, youth, and families.

Who We Are?
It is the mission of Open Arms, Incorporated to bring healing, hope, and help to children, adults, and their families in need of support, intervention, and prevention as a result of child abuse and homelessness, in all its forms.
Our Programs
The Transitional Living Program provides a safe and stable home for youth transitioning out of foster care or those youth who are homeless, between the ages of 18 and 21. This program aims to transition these disadvantaged youth into productive citizens in the community. The participants are placed into scattered-site apartments where the basic necessities (i.e. food, clothing, and shelter costs) are provided for them until they eventually phase out of the program in graduated phases.
The Street Outreach Program program provides mentoring and prevention methods for street youth. Staff members in this program work in low-income areas and in “hot spots” for troubled youth. The goal of this program is to reduce sexual exploitation and abuse of street youth.
The Open Arms, Inc. Emergency Shelter Program he Open Arms, Inc. Emergency Shelter Hotel Voucher Program provides immediate shelter for youth, ages 18-24, and their dependent children that are literally homeless (e.g. living on the streets, in cars, places not meant for habitation, etc.). With an average stay of 30 days, clients stay in designated hotels and work with a designated Case Manager to meet their housing goals.

Total nights of shelter were provided this year.

Youth receive individualized case management

Children have been helped this year

Youth exit to Permanent Housing.